Property Magic system is of type text and indicates the magic system associated with mages, Devices, and spells. Normally, there should be only one value of this property per page.
Following values are allowed:
- Midchilda
- Ancient Belka
- Modern Belka
- Formula Eltria
- Formula (movie)
- Special
- Special (IS)
- Special (EC)
- Nil (AEC Energy)
- Nil (EM Force) (movie)
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Midchilda", "Mid-Childa", "Ancient Belka", "Modern Belka", "Formula Eltria", "Formula", "Special", "Special (IS)", "Special (EC)", "Nil (AEC Energy)", "Special (AEC)", "Nil (EM Force)" ] } }