- A Barrier Jacket Was Similar To The Bulletproof Vest and the Chobham armour .
In light of recent evidence, this article may need a rewrite:
- According to K.Hayes, BJ is actually an extremely common spell of type Defense-Field.
- Also, I have read elsewhere that there are apparently several modifications of the Jackets: Mid-Childan BJ, old Belkan heavyweight Knight Armor, and the Knight Garb that Hayate designs for the Wolkies.
So yeah. Thoughts? --Koveras Alvane 10:17, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
- I have planned to structure the article as a spell article. But except for the 3 system's BJ, there are a lot of further variations from the basic ones. Thoma's "Battle Defensive Costume (literal)" could be excluded like Isis'. Hmm... --K.Hayes 10:52, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
- Isn't Thoma's "Jacket" called "Black Knight", or something?
- It is called "戦闘防護服", and its 2nd form (since Record 07) is called Black Knight (戦闘防護服第2形態「黒騎士」). --K.Hayes 11:44, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
Well, we could spare a Combat Protection Clothes article for it, I think...Scratch that. "防護服" means Barrier Jacket, according to the Japanese wiki. So whatever Thoma is using is called "Combat Barrier Jacket", so I don't think it's notable enough to split. Just create a subsection on his page called "Combat Barrier Jacket" or something and add any infos there. --Koveras Alvane 11:49, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
- It is called "戦闘防護服", and its 2nd form (since Record 07) is called Black Knight (戦闘防護服第2形態「黒騎士」). --K.Hayes 11:44, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
- Isn't Thoma's "Jacket" called "Black Knight", or something?
Individual level[]
These forms have been already outlined under the Barrier Jacket sections of Nanoha and Fate articles. I could, I think, use Property:Mode to list them on this article semantically, but they have to be moved to their respective casters' pages first. --Koveras Alvane 16:52, February 9, 2011 (UTC)